Journal Insights, perspectives, actions & impulses All themes1/2/8IMPACTResidenciesUrban SpaceFellowships All genresArtist TalkDocumentationLecturePerformance 10.10.2021 Residencies Adéọlá Ọlágúnjú Considerations of the self, memory, spirituality, healing and social environment 24.09.2021 Residencies Luísa Marinho Saraiva You are just a voice and nothing more & Ai, ai! 24.09.2021 Residencies Marie-Lena Kaiser & Josephine Kalies & Verena Hahn Beschreiben des Ungreifbaren, Bestärken des Unsichtbaren & Relevanter Körper 24.09.2021 Residencies Nesrin Tanç & Lütfiye Güzel Distanz und Nähe 24.09.2021 Residencies Nicholas Grafia & Mikolaj Sobczak Shelves & Shelters 24.09.2021 Residencies Willie Stark Widersprüche durch Bewegungen 22.09.2021 Residencies Killa Schütze Objecthood in the context of Western and non-Western forms of knowledge 22.09.2021 Residencies Uri Bülbül »Poetische Hermeneutik«, »Soziale Plastik«, der »Freiheit der Kultur – Kultur der Freiheit«. 21.09.2021 Residencies Julienne De Muirier & David Guy Kono Exil und Diaspora & …... „ Exil / ........ Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Current page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Next page