Henri Hütt
Rhythm is a dancer

  • Deutschlandpremiere
  • Performance Dance / performance in English
  • Sun 29.03.15 17:30 h

Melody and rhythm have always come before lyrics and meaning for Henri Hütt. In ›Rhythm is a dancer‹, created in part during a residency at PACT in 2013, the Estonian choreographer and dancer sets out to identify his own personal rhythm. Using short video, text and music clips, he skips backwards and forwards in time comparing how he experiences a certain rhythm now with how he experienced it on first encounter in the past. What rhythm should he follow? The beat of his heart, footsteps, failures, or the rhythm of his ambition to go one phrase further with every passing day.

Join us on Sunday after the performance programme for an impromptu concert with jochenOtto&dasBand on PACT’s terrace. Entrance is free.

Concept, performance: Henri Hütt

Sound design: Algorütmid

Light design: Villu Konrad

Costume: Kaie Olmre

Co-production: Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Talinn)

Support: Cultural Endowment of Estonia, PACT Zollverein (Essen), PAF (St.Erme)


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Kids Days
with Grensgeval / Aifoon & Lee Méir

  • Sat 15.02.25 11:30 h
  • Sun 16.02.25 11:30 h
Performance For children Acrobatic sound theater

Grensgeval / Aifoon

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  • Sat 15.02.25 13 h – 17 h
  • Sun 16.02.25 13 h – 17 h