Antje Velsinger

  • Fri 05.05.17 20 h

Our everyday life is increasingly defined by mobility. We are constantly in motion. Internet users can, like never before, experience communication and activity in a state of physical standstill.

In ›HAUS, KEIN HAUS‹ choreographer Antje Velsinger follows the trail of our restless mobility drawing on everyday objects, human bodies, sound and video projections to examine the machinery of movement and explore various sets of questions: What moves us? When do we move something? When are we moved by something? And what role can the act of staying put play?

Antje Velsinger’s work investigates various interfaces between dance, sound installation and visual art, in which our sensory perception of spaces and temporality plays a vital role. 

Choreography: Antje Velsinger

Performance: Antje Velsinger, Maya Weinberg

Stage, video: Janina Arendt

Sound: Katharina Kellermann

Costumes: Kristin Gerwien

Light: Wolfgang Pütz, Henning Eggers

Artistic research: Janina Arendt, Katharina Kellermann, Antje Velsinger

Dramaturgical advice: Igor Dobricic, Matthias Quabbe

Artistic advice: Thomas Demand

Production management: Jana Marscheider

Production: Antje Velsinger, K3 Tanzplan Hamburg

Co-production: Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt), K3 – Zentrum für Choreographie | Tanzplan Hamburg

Funding: Cultural Office of the city of Frankfurt a.M., Kunststiftung NRW, Ministry for Families, Children, Youth, Culture and Sports of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste, Cultural Office of the city of Cologne, Hamburgische Kulturstiftung

Support: Barnes Crossing (Cologne)

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