Claire Croizé / ECCE
›Flowers (we are)‹

  • Sat 23.03.19 20 h

Advance sales: 12 € / red. 7 €
Box office: 15 € / red. 9 €
incl. VRR-Ticket

Duration: approx. 85 minutes

Introduction at 19.30 h

Tickets 23.03. 20h

›Flowers (we are)‹, Claire Croizé’s first collaboration with composer Matteo Fargion, is a piece for three dancers and two musicians that combines the writings of Rainer Maria Rilke with the baroque tones of Johann Sebastian Bach.

Drawing on a number of well-known preludes, expanded with synths and sound effects, and chorales, rearranged for four-hands piano, as well as new compositions, ›Flowers (we are)‹, tells of imaginative, poetic worlds, the tentative love between two people, the overpowering relation between a parent and their child, the intimacy and generosity shared by performers on stage and the (im)possibility of forming a connection with each other -  all set against the magnificently unlikely background of pop music with lyrics by Rilke.


Concept: Claire Croizé Dance: Emmi Väisänen, Claire Godsmark, Gorka Gurrutxaga Music: J.S. Bach, Matteo Fargion Music performed by: Matteo Fargion, Francesca Fargion Dramaturgy: Etienne Guilloteau Costume design: Anne-Catherine Kunz Light design: Hans Meijer Production: ECCE vzw Co-production: Flemish Government, Concertgebouw Brugge, wpZimmer (Antwerp),Kunstencentrum BUDA (Kortrijk), Kaaitheater (Brussels) In collaboration with: Workspacebrussels. STUK Many thanks to Herman Sorgeloos

Trailer: ›Flowers (we are)‹ by Claire Croizé / ECCE

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