Atelier – Platform for new art and choreography

  • Sat 23.04.05 20:30 h



»... my sculpturing is time and again a confrontation with myself and my environment, a continuous learning process that will never be concluded. For me, intuitive sculpturing is like a game between coincidence and conscious crafting.«

sculptor: Ingeborg Stelzer, Essen-Katernberg

Main Stage

PANTONYM (10 min)

Pantonym denotes the title of a list which includes all its own potential elements. The departure point for this short study is the idea to create a solo structure using elements of choreographer Thomas Lehmen's Funktionen Tool Box. The tool box is a set of cards which can be set in relation with others and allow one to lay out choreographic scores, tasks, and systems. Lucia Glass's solo is concerned with making terms and instructions, which are transformed into movement and space, visible. She examines a configuration that works without verbal language but nevertheless refers to its own environment.

Dance: Lucia Glass, Berlin

UNTITLED (15 min)

This is an extract from a piece which Leslie Mannès is currently developing in residency at PACT Zollverein. »The piece explores the different aspects of the body in society. How it is perceived, manipulated, limited from the intimate and social point of view. In order to trigger the audiences' imagination and acceptance of illusion, we make use several media systems. The performance is built in different separate scenes, every scene causes a reconsideration of the context of the previous one«.

Performance: Leslie Mannès, Laia Puig Escandell, Lieve De Pourcq, Brusssels


We are all P.A.R.T.S. graduates, and while finishing the school we made a 25 minute performance, ›rabbit hole‹, incorporating 2 video works made in a brick factory in Flanders. We have now begun research for a new instalment of physical and video material. The working title is ›rabbit hole (version 2.0)‹. Like the software programs which encrypt all facets of our lives, we plan to ›upgrade‹. We will be using the resources of PACT Zollverein as well as the Kokerei site (former coking plant) to continue finding links between our medium of dance and the virtual medium of video. The project continues our studies on perception, the relation of media to the body, the copy and the original, the systematic loss of logic and sense in Alice in Wonderland (guided by Gilles Deleuze), and how the virtual world of representation has itself now become invisible as image-consumption is the norm.

Performance: rabbit hole corporation, Brussels (Domenico Giustino, Gilles Fumba, Kajsa Sandström)

Small Stage


Das Theater der Klänge develop a technical scenario by means of sensors, computers and space sound equipment, as well as a video projector and a screen, thus creating a reactive and interactive stage environment.

Dance concert/Video dance: Theater der Klänge, Düsseldorf

Research project: FH-Dortmund research project in collaboration with the ICEM of the Folkwang, Hochschule Essen and Theater der Klänge. Project leader: Prof. J.U.Lensing (FH-Dortmund)

Music: Prof. Thomas Neuhaus (ICEM der Folkwanghochschule Essen)

Video supervision: Christian Ziegler (ZKM-Karlsruhe)

Choreographic supervision: Jacqueline Fischer (Theater der Klänge Düsseldorf)

Dance: Jenny Ecke, Jelena Ivanovic, Hanna Zanin

Sound/Video: Thomas Neuhaus, J.U.Lensing

MAALESH (22 min)

Filmmaker Erik Sick interviews art critic and Professor of art, David Galloway, at his home in the Provence. Professor Galloway recounts the story of the building of a museum of European Art in Iran in the mid seventies. He was responsible for advising the Shah's wife, Farah Dibah, on selecting art works for the museum's collection.

Film (engl.): Erik Sick & Boaz Kaizman, Köln

With: Prof. David Galloway

Idea: Boaz Kaizman

Camera, Sound, Editing: Erik Sick


SINEBAG, Leipzig (15 min)

set1: découper et insérer unités d'un chanson

set2: feedback 

set3: klavierimitat und noisegitarre

set4: strom

Sinebags Kompositionen sind collagenartige Zusammenführung von Geräuschen und Musik. Es werden Fieldrecordings und gesamplete, alltägliche Klänge zusammen mit freien Liedstrukturen kombiniert. Zur musikalischen Instrumentierung dienen akustische (Gitarren, Klavier, Sprache, Geräusche) und elektronische, digitale Elemente. Dies bewirkt eine Kombination aus live gespielten und kompositorisch erstellten Passagen.

Musiker: Alexander Schubert, Oliver Schwerdt, Leipzig

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