Josephine Findeisen & Verena Brakonier


Josephine Findeisen: PASSING & REVISITING

During the #TakeCareResidenz Josephine Findeisen viewed the practices of the dancers who co-founded the ›New Dance Group‹ in 1932 and announced their slogan of »Dance is a weapon in the revolutionary class struggle«. She also studied the interaction between dancing and proletarian/serving work and asks to what extent the practices of the workers' dance groups can be transferred to today's conditions. 

Verena Brakonier: Returning to... Strategien biographischen Arbeitens

Verena Brakonier researches biographical approaches as regards her own biography as a dancer and working class child. Using strategies of documentary-biographical art she seeks to develop new methods of engaging critically with Classicism on stage. To this end she examines different strategies in performance, dance, the visual arts and in auto-fictional literature.

Insights into the #TakeCareResidency of Josephine Findeisen

Insights into the #TakeCareResidency of Verena Brakonier

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