Ozan Nadir Alakavuklar
Working towards an activist academy: Bridging communities, transforming economies

  • Fri 01.10.21 20 h

Free admission

At PACT and streamed online live. In English.

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As an academic-activist Ozan Nadir Alakavuklar is driven by the question ‘how to organize our economy and social relations differently’ and introduces the notion of ‘bridging’ based on his engagement with scholarly and activist communities across three countries. In response to society’s current challenges about climate change, rising inequality and pandemic conditions, he calls for an alternative and holistic scholarship that can build bridges across domains: theory and practice, research and teaching, university and activist communities. With a particular focus on transforming capitalist value relations for a just, fair and sustainable economy, he details what bridging means in practice: Working with/for communities, archiving achievements for political/economic imaginaries, and building networks for social transformation.

Ozan Nadir Alakavuklar is an Associate Professor of Organization Studies at the Utrecht University’s School of Governance. 

As part of Spot On Economies – 1/2/8 Research Forum.

Initiated by Juliane Beck, Stefan Hilterhaus and Livia Andrea Piazza

A project within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

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