Dewey Dell
Sleep Technique — A response to the cave at Chauvet-Pont d’Arc in the Ardèche, France

  • Fri 03.03.17 20 h
  • Sat 04.03.17 20 h

Albeit inaccessible to the public, the cave at Chauvet-Pont d’Arc in the Ardèche houses the oldest rock paintings found to date. Reason enough for Italian performance collective, Dewey Dell, to take the audience on a poetic journey right to the origins of European culture. In a powerful interplay of choreography, music, stage design and lighting, they enter into dialogue with how we possibly feel connected to traces of our forebears’ myths and rituals today.


FRI 03.03.
Introduction // 19.30 H
Artist talk // after the performance

Concept: Dewey Dell – Agata Castellucci, Demetrio Castellucci & Teodora Castellucci, Eugenio Resta

With: Agata Castellucci & Teodora Castellucci, Ivan Björn Ekemark, Enrico Ticconi
Choreography: Teodora Castellucci

Original music: Demetrio Castellucci (electro acoustics, granular synthesis, field recordings*), Massimo Pupillo (bass, effects)
Set and lighting design: Eugenio Resta

Costumes: Guoda Jaruseviciute

Vocals: Attila Csihar
With the contribution of the prehistoric archaeologist Dominique Baffier
Special thanks to: Stefano Pilia, Benas Staškauskas, Stefaan Van Akoleyen
Production: Dewey Dell 2017

Co-production: Societas (Cesena), PACT Zollverein (Essen), BIT Teatergarasjen (Bergen), Brut Wien (Vienna), Tanzfabrik Berlin In collaboration with: Buda Kunstencentrum (Kortijk), Dialogues — Performing Arts Residencies at Villa Manin (Passariano), Ateliersi (Bologna), Menu Spaustuve (Vilnius)

*With a source from Chris Watson — ›Lioness Threatens Male, Itong Plains, Kenya‹ © 1998 Touch



30.04.2019, Teatro Allesadro Bonci, Modena (IT)
02.12.2017, BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen (NO)
01.12.2017, BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen (NO)
17.09.2017, Terni Festival, Terni (IT)
16.09.2017, Short Theatre Festival, La Pelanda, Rom (IT)
24.05.2017, Théâtre de l'Usine, Genf (CH)
23.05.2017, Théâtre de l'Usine, Genf (CH)
20.05.2017, T2G – Théâtre de Gennevilliers, Gennevilliers (FR)
19.05.2017, T2G – Théâtre de Gennevilliers, Gennevilliers (FR)
18.05.2017, T2G – Théâtre de Gennevilliers, Gennevilliers (FR)
17.05.2017, T2G – Théâtre de Gennevilliers, Gennevilliers (FR)
07.05.2017, Teatro Palamostre, Udine (IT)
06.05.2017, Teatro Palamostre, Udine (IT)
05.05.2017, ERT – Teatro delle Passioni, Modena (IT)
04.05.2017, ERT – Teatro delle Passioni, Modena (IT)
20.04.2017, La Triennale, Teatro dell’Arte, stagione 2017, Mailand (IT)
19.04.2017, La Triennale, Teatro dell’Arte, stagione 2017, Mailand (IT)
05.04.2017, ENTER – Ravenna Teatro, Ravenna (IT)
25.03.2017, brut, Wien (AT)
24.03.2017, brut, Wien (AT)
19.03.2017, Puerilia, Teatro Comandini, Cesena (IT)
18.03.2017, Puerilia, Teatro Comandini, Cesena (IT)
04.03.2017, PACT Zollverein, Essen (DE)
03.03.2017, PACT Zollverein, Essen (DE)
26.02.2017, Tanzfabrik Berlin, Berlin (DE)
25.02.2017, Tanzfabrik Berlin, Berlin (DE)

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