Duration: 60 min


In Alice Ripoll and Cia REC's latest work, ›Lavagem‹, reality and fantasy mix together in a delirium, reminding us of an apocalyptic dream. With the help of buckets, water and soap, the performance investigates ambivalent images considering, and critically observing, the act of cleaning and its scenic and historical unfolding. The elements used in ›Lavagem‹ create multiple poetic images of exodus, crossings, rituals, rebirth, and resistance. What actually needs to be cleaned? The houses, the dirt inside the rooms? The trails left behind, the historical facts? The scents of body fluids, those we smell when we come close to each other? Soap foam colours the bodies and hints at invisibility; bubbles suggest a world of dreams, standing in stark contrast to the severe lack of social mobility in the real world. ›Lavagem‹ presents an ancestral past filled with struggles, but also with secrets about joy and cheerfulness.

Please note: Loud and sudden sound elements are being used in this work.

Supported within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses by the Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

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Director: Alice Ripoll Original idea: Alan Ferreira Performers: Alan Ferreira, Katiany Correia, Rômulo Galvão, Tony Hewerton, Tamires Costa, VN Dançarino Brabo Creation: Alan Ferreira, Hiltinho Fantástico, Katiany Correia, Rômulo Galvão, Tony Hewerton, Tuany Nascimento Production director: Natasha Corbelino | Corbelino Cultural Production assistant & set assistant: Thais Peixoto Assistant Director on tour: Renato Linhares Production assistant: Milena Monteiro Artistic assistant: Laura Samy Photos: Renato Mangolin Set designer: Raquel Theo Visagism props: Cleber de Oliveira Costume designer: Paula Ströher Light designer: Tomas Ribas Tour planning: ART HAPPENS Support: Rafael Machado Fisioterapia

Coproduced by: Kunstenfetivaldesarts, PACT Zollverein, Kaserne Basel, Wiener Festwochen, Julidans, Festival de la Cité Lausanne, Passages Transfestival, Romaeuropa Festival and Teatro di Roma - Teatro Nazionale, Festival d’Automne à Paris Special thanks: Alexandre Belfort, Sulamita Costa, Juliana França, André Oliveira, Walace Ferreira, Juliete Schultz, Mauricio Lima, Pedro Bento, Thamires Candida, Dilo Paulo, Diewry Patrick, Lenna Santos de Siqueira, Camila Rocha, Centro Coreográfico da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Arnoldo Pereira de Souza, Anita Tandeta, Camila Moura, Renato Linhares, Cecilia Ripoll, Andrea Capella, Casa de Mystérios e Novidades.


07.10.2023, Festival Kyoto Experiment, Kyoto (JPN)
06.10.2023, Festival Kyoto Experiment, Kyoto (JPN)
16.09.2023, Bienal Sesc de Dança, Campinas (BRA)
15.09.2023, Bienal Sesc de Dança, Campinas (BRA)
11.08.2023, Israel Festival, Jerusalem (ISR)
10.08.2023, Israel Festival, Jerusalem (ISR)
07.05.2023, Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona (ESP)
06.05.2023, Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona (ESP)
05.05.2023, Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona (ESP)
29.04.2023, PACT Zollverein, Essen (DE)
28.04.2023, PACT Zollverein, Essen (DE)
28.11.2022, L’Onde Théâtre Centre d’Art, Vélizy-Villacoublay (FR)
16.10.2022, Fierce Festival, Birmingham (GB)
15.10.2022, Fierce Festival, Birmingham (GB)
12.10.2022, Festival Body/Mind, Warsaw (PL)    
10.10.2022, Four Days Festival, Prague (CZ)
08.10.2022, Theater Rotterdam, Rotterdam (NL)
07.10.2022, Theater Rotterdam, Rotterdam (NL)
04.06.2022, FTA, Montreal (CA)
03.06.2022, FTA, Montreal (CA)
02.06.2022, FTA, Montreal (CA)
01.06.2022, FTA, Montreal (CA)
27.05.2022, LAVAGEM, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Brussels (BE)
26.05.2022, LAVAGEM, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Brussels (BE)
25.05.2022, LAVAGEM, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Brussels (BE)
24.05.2022, LAVAGEM, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Brussels (BE)
22.10.2021, Teatro di Roma - Teatro Nazionale & Romaeuropa Festival, Rom (IT)
21.10.2021, Teatro di Roma - Teatro Nazionale & Romaeuropa Festival, Rom (IT)
20.10.2021, Teatro di Roma - Teatro Nazionale & Romaeuropa Festival, Rom (IT)
19.10.2021, Teatro di Roma - Teatro Nazionale & Romaeuropa Festival, Rom (IT)
16.10.2021, Théâtre Louis Aragon, Tremblay-en-France (FR)
15.10.2021, Théâtre Louis Aragon, Tremblay-en-France (FR)
10.10.2021, Bienale BoCA, Lissabon (PT)
09.10.2021, Bienale BoCA, Lissabon (PT)
06.10.2021, Kaserne, Basel (CH)
05.10.2021, Kaserne, Basel (CH)
30.09.2021, Vooruit, Gent (BE)
29.09.2021, Vooruit, Gent (BE)
25.09.2021, Actoral, Marseille (FR)
24.09.2021, Actoral, Marseille (FR)
19.09.2021, Festival d'Automne à Paris & La Villette, Paris (FR)
18.09.2021, Festival d'Automne à Paris & La Villette, Paris (FR)
17.09.2021, Festival d'Automne à Paris & La Villette, Paris (FR)
16.09.2021, Festival d'Automne à Paris & La Villette, Paris (FR)
15.09.2021, Festival d'Automne à Paris & La Villette, Paris (FR)
12.09.2021, La Bâtie - Festival de Genève, Genf (CH)
11.09.2021, La Bâtie - Festival de Genève, Genf (CH)
08.09.2021, Passages Transfestival, Metz (FR)
16.07.2021, Julidans, Amsterdam (NL)
15.07.2021, Julidans, Amsterdam (NL)
13.07.2021, Festival Theaterformen, Hannover (D)
12.07.2021, Festival Theaterformen, Hannover (D)
07.07.2021, Festival de la Cité, Lausanne (CH)
06.07.2021, Festival de la Cité, Lausanne (CH)
02.07.2021, Wiener Festwochen, Wien (AT)
01.07.2021, Wiener Festwochen, Wien (AT)
30.06.2021, Wiener Festwochen, Wien (AT)
29.06.2021, Wiener Festwochen, Wien (AT)
28.06.2021, Wiener Festwochen, Wien (AT)

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