Kids Cinema: doxs!
For young viewers from the age of 4

  • Sun 14.11.21 15 h – 16 h

Free admission


The Duisburg festival ›doxs! documentaries for children and young people‹ brings short films for young viewers from the age of 4 to the big screen at the WerkStadt.

It's show time for three nature stories that will make you marvel and smile. In the animated film ›Trampoline‹, youngsters frolic and bounce around until things take very unexpected turns. In ›Illustration : Compostage‹ we discover how eggshells, coffee grounds and lettuce leaves are fascinatingly turned back into earth and in ›Onomatopoetikum‹ we encounter mooing, croaking and barking - in Chinese, Italian and French. There will be plenty of opportunity between the films for lively discussion and also lots of coloured crayons and paint brushes on hand for young visitors to create their own pictures and stories.

Netherlands 2013, 3 min., Maarten Koopman 
France 2014, 3 min., Elise Auffray 
Germany 2006, 4 min., Knut Karger 

Entrance is free 

A cooperation between the association ›Freunde der Realität-Verein zur Förderung des Dokumentarfilms für Kinder und Jugendliche e.V.‹ and the Duisburg festival ›doxs! documentaries for children and young people‹

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  • Sun 16.02.25

Kids Days
with Grensgeval / Aifoon & Lee Méir

  • Sat 15.02.25 11:30 h
  • Sun 16.02.25 11:30 h
Performance For children Acrobatic sound theater

Grensgeval / Aifoon

German premiere
  • Sat 15.02.25 13 h – 17 h
  • Sun 16.02.25 13 h – 17 h