Floris Alkemade & Alex de Jong / OMA

The architect and urban planner, Floris Alkemade, has worked at OMA since 1989 and is now a partner in the office. Since the early nineties he has worked as an architect and project leader on diverse projects such as the master plans for Lille and Almere. Since 2002, he is the project architect of the Zeche Zollverein master plan and the conversion of the former Coal washing building into the Ruhrmuseum. Alkemade teaches at different Universities in Holland, Belgium and France, is a guest-professor at Ghent University in Belgium and a member of the architecture selection committee of a major national art foundation in The Netherlands.Architect and urban planner, Alex de Jong, joined OMA in 2000. From 2002 until 2006 he was responsible for the renovation of the Coal washing building at Zeche Zollverein and is currently working as a project manager for the multi-functional high rise building ›de Rotterdam‹ and architect on the master plan for the new town centre of Almere. In 2006 he published the book ›Mediapolis. Popular Culture and the City.‹ which explores spacial concepts of popular culture and the unexpected cross-fertilization that occurs when video-games and pop-music are put on the same conceptual level as architecture and urban planning. De Jong teaches as several architectural schools in The Netherlands.
To date at PACT
  • Mon 03.11.08 20 h
Performance Lecture

Floris Alkemade & Alex de Jong / OMA