Senem Gökçe Oğultekin & Peter Rubel


Senem Gökçe Oğultekin: Harmonie in Anarchie

›Harmonie in Anarchie‹ explores how thinking between tone pitches can be transposed into choreographic thought. At the interface of the performative potential of music and dance, Gökçe Oğultekin investigates physical listening using the specific aspect of tonality. Can the relationships between pitches be translated analogously into physical relationships? What role does micro-tonality place as a »strange, unusual« system?

Peter Rubel: Temperament

In ›Temperament‹, Peter Rubel investigates how musical thinking in pitch relationships can be transposed into choreographical thought. The analysis of historical and microtonal mood systems forms the launchpad for a search for reciprocal relations and analogies between dance and music.


Insights into the #TakeCareResidency of Senem Gökçe Oğultekin

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