María Mercedes Flores Mujica, Constanza Javiera Ruiz, Brigitte Huezo & Hendrik Eichler


»Our residency in PACT was the second rehearsal period for the production ›What, Where, When are we?!‹ a work that sets out to explore the question of whether identity is rooted in one space and time. It is a rhythmical approach to transnational and multidimensional embodied experiences. Four performers on stage, live drums, and radio stations create sound layers that interweave with body memories: Bringing together a multiplicity of inhabited realities and situated experiences, displaced through time and space. All these re-mix and rearrange the puzzle pieces that make us what we were, are, will be, and want to become.

During our residency, we worked on building a dramaturgical structure to navigate the varied material that we had gathered so far. We were looking for a form and a method to better shape our content and language. For this, we mostly worked on the concept of time, and how to build structures in which we could navigate multiple temporalities. We were relating to the idea of inhabiting spaces in which any of us could be, at any time, as an archive of past and future memories. We were looking for a place to coexist and connect without needing to share a specific language or memory. We experimented with creating text and physical scores: Creating wishful landscapes and situations in which we could open potential realities, semiotics, times, and paths. To do this, we poured out information of our own life experiences and imaginaries that are deeply connected to our personal journey. With it we created stage personalities that broadcast and portray these realities and moods through radio shows: A format that helped us become multitemporal and pluri-spatial.

Cruising the utopia together with José Muñoz, glitching our own structures with Legacy Russel, and mingling in the Nymphs Bululú of José Pulido this residency helped us get a better understanding of our concept of identity and what it represents to each of us: Looking away from preconceived definitions that tightly encage it into mostly nationality or gender and exploring it as a universe of potentialities and desires.«


María Mercedes Flores Mujica (Artistic Direction & Performance)

is a Venezuelan dance artist and translator based in Cologne. By researching peculiar communication forms, her work builds creative paths of interaction within performers, audience, and space. Materialising new languages, she creates performative ecosystems that bloom on the stage and beyond.
a.k.a Carnívora
Carnívora lives in a flesh and protein made world. Her speaking’s navigate past and present stages of meaty situations intertwined with substantial storytelling.

Constanza Javiera Ruiz (Collaboration and Performance)

is a Chilean dancer and performer based in NRW. She graduated in dance (CCD., Cologne) and Sociology( Stgo., Chile) Constanza is interested on dance research, rhythm and in the power of dance to generate collective emotions.
a.k.a Miss Turbina.
Miss Turbina is a well-known personality in the world of broadcasting for her contagious and electrifying energy.

Brigitte Huezo (Collaboration and Performance)

is a dancer, performer, and choreographer made in El Salvador and currently working and living in Cologne. They are interested in deconstructing our perception of the body and its future in an increasingly technological and virtual world.
a.k.a Le Saturniane
Le Saturniane wants to arrive together with their techno town friends to the milky way. Sponsored by hair products, they want to success in the hosting of cosmic farm sport matches.

Hendrik Eichler (Music and Performance)

is a Cologne-based drummer/composer active in the »modern Creative« music scene around Germany and the Netherlands. His energetic style is characterized by pulsating soundscapes and expanding the rhythmic/sonic possibilities of the drums with effects.
a.k.a Geboren auf Kohle
Working from the cole mines: Being geboren auf Kohle brings an deep underground perspective to the broadcasting world with his calm pace and factual information.

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