Registration closed

Welcome to the Writing Workshop 2.0! This year we are setting out from PACT Zollverein on writing excursions in the surrounding area. We will explore the north of Essen and write texts about extraordinary and everyday things that we encounter in Katernberg - or could encounter, because creativity is expressly welcome. So pack your notebooks and let your imagination run free!

Unfortunately, we cannot plan a public reading this year at the end of the writing workshop, but we will make your work visible and audible in other ways: in a book, on the internet, on the radio, and above all in the city.

Registration closed

Meeting place: PACT Zollverein, Bullmannaue 20a, 45327 Essen

PART 1 – Snapshots & Stories
TUES 13.10. – THURS 15.10., 14-17h

Taking snapshots with words. Capturing what the city tells us.

PART 2 – Tweets for the Streets
TUES 20.10. – THURS 22.10., 14-17h

Bringing poetry into the city. Searching for traces of language - and leaving some behind.

More Events
  • Tue 11.02.25 16:30 h – 18 h
  • Tue 18.02.25 16:30 h – 18 h
  • Tue 25.02.25 16:30 h – 18 h
  • Tue 04.03.25 16:30 h – 18 h
  • Sat 15.02.25
  • Sun 16.02.25

Kids Days
with Grensgeval / Aifoon & Lee Méir

  • Sat 15.02.25 11:30 h
  • Sun 16.02.25 11:30 h
Performance For children Acrobatic sound theater

Grensgeval / Aifoon

German premiere