Maud Le Pladec / CCNO
Silent Legacy

  • Sat 18.11.23 20 h

Duration: 50 mins.

For people from 8 years old.

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Dance can challenge norms, oppression and dominance, says choreographer Maud Le Pladec. With her new creation ›Silent Legacy‹, Le Pladec continues the exploration of gender, oppression and artistic self-empowerment she began in 2021 with ›counting stars with you (musiques femmes)‹.

›Silent Legacy‹ began with the meeting of Maud La Pladec and eight-year-old Adeline Kerry Cruz, who is considered a prodigy of the Krump dance style. Krump has its roots in African American communities in Los Angeles in the 2000s. Krump concentrates resistant power and raw emotion and is deeply connected to the painful experience of oppression. Krump has since found its way into the mainstream through its increasing presence in hip-hop videos and pop culture.

Maud Le Pladec stages a profound and complex dialogue between two dancers: Adeline Kerry Cruz grew up far from the experiences that gave rise to Krump. At the same time, the unbridled power of Krump is also her strength, and her talent is extraordinary. On stage, she, along with dancer Audrey Merilus who trained at the renowned Belgian dance school P.A.R.T.S., explore the question of whether dance can transcend and connect generations, identities, and communities. The two are accompanied live by the well-known French electro DJ and composer Chloé Thévenin.

Supported within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses by the Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

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Conception, artistic direction & choreography: Maud Le Pladec feat. Jr Maddripp Solo Adeline Kerry Cruz: Maud Le Pladec & Jr Maddripp Solo Audrey Merilus: Maud Le Pladec & Audrey Merilus Choreography assistant: Régis Badel Music composed, arranged, performed & produced by: Chloé Thévenin Voice coach: Dalila Khatir Musical dramaturgy assistant: Pere Jou Dancers: Adeline Kerry Cruz, Audrey Merilus & Guest Costume design: Christelle Kocher KOCHÉ Costume assistant: Marion Régnier Lights & stage design: Éric Soyer General manager: Fabrice Le Fur & Mélissandre Halbert Light manager: Nicolas Marc Sound manager: Vincent Le Meur & Justine Pommereau Production and development: A propic Line Rousseau, Marion Gauvent & Lara van Lookeren

Production: Centre chorégraphique national d'Orléans Co-production: Festival d’Avignon, Par.BL.eux, Centre culturel canadien à Montréal (Québec), Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse avec le soutien de Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels,  Le Carreau Scène nationale de Forbach et de l’Est mosellan, La Comédie de Clermont-Ferrand Scène nationale, Scène nationale d’Orléans, Les Halles de Schaerbeek Bruxelles (Belgique), Ville de Fontenay-sous-Bois - Fontenay en scènes Ville de Fontenay-sous-Bois - Fontenay en scènes, Le Gymnase CDCN Roubaix Hauts-de-France Residencies: Centre chorégraphique national d’Orléans, Théâtre d’Orléans en collaboration avec la Scène nationale d’Orléans, ParB.L.eux, Centre culturel canadien à Montréal (Québec), The Centre Chorégraphique National d'Orléans is supported by the Ministère de la Culture, D.R.A.C CentreVal de Loire, the Ville d’Orléans, the Région Centre-Val de Loire, the Conseil Départemental du Loiret. With the help of the Institut français, Ministère des affaires étrangères for international tours.

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