Lloyd Newson / DV8

  • Thu 24.07.03 20 h
  • Fri 25.07.03 20 h
  • Sat 26.07.03 20 h

the cost of living is about what we think we are, and what we think we ought to be. How we camouflage ourselves in conformity, put on a mask, smile, hide and pretend, so we too are invited to the ball. But what happens to those who don't get invited, who aren't perfect, who can't pretend? It's a piece about perfection and pretence; about how society measures individuals and how we, in turn, value ourselves.

»The piece is, ultimately, caustic, despairing... Yet there is such nervous and psychic energy to it, and there is the counterbalance of Newson's oddly generous understanding, that you feel braced rather than saddened.« Financial Times


Direction: Lloyd Newson
Performer: Jose Maria Alves, Robin Dingemans,Tom Hodgson, Eddie Kay, Eric Languet, Tanja Liedtke, Matthew Morris, Eddie Nixon, Kareena Oates,Talia Paz, Michael Post, Francois Testory, Rowan Thorpe, David Toole, Vivien Wood
Assistant to the Director: Gabriel Castillo
Set Design: Lloyd Newson, Liam Steel
Lighting Design: Jack Thompson
Costume Design: Katy McPhee
Costume Design Assistant: Kelly Frost
Original Sound Design / Composer: Paul Charlier
Additional Sound Design: Gareth Fry
Video: Oliver Manzi
Music Notation: Melanie Pappenheim
Musical Arrangement for Beau Matin:
François Testory
Production Manager: Will Harding
Tour Manager: Gabriel Castillo
Sound Operator: Adam Hooper
Lighting Operator: Beky Stoddart
Technical Stage Manager: Andy Ainsworth
Stage Manager: Philippa Thomas

Co-produced by: Théàtre de la Ville and the Festival d'Automne, Paris; Romaeuropa Festival; Julidans Festival/ Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam; Hebbel-Theater Berlin; PACT Zollverein/Choreographisches Zentrum NRW, Essen; Originally commissioned by Sydney 2000 Olympic Arts Festival, and co-produced in London by DV8 and the Royal Festival Hall, in association with Dance Umbrella. An Artsadmin associated project.

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