Petra Sabisch

... is choreographer/ performer and has realized besides Contaminated (2005, Atelier Frankfurt) the performances Cartographics (2002, Dan&ccedile;as Na Cidade, Lisbon) und Laboratoire du désoeuvrement (2001, Paris). After a several artistical and theoretical collaborations in Paris and Berlin (A. Baehr, J. Bel, N. Lauro, Superamas, etc.), is Sabisch currently invited to develop her choreographic research in London. She is part of the artist and producer collective Fernwärme im Ausland (Berlin).The project: "Program"

a choreographic research project by Petra Sabisch

Program tries to outline the practice of choreography as cybernetics and to question thereby in particular the "autonomy" and other possible agencies of bodies. How are the mechanisms of steering connected to control and play? Inhowfar do interferences appear as necessary but nevertheless productive part of programmatic unfoldings? In the first working session of my project, the objective is to develop parametres for the generation of relational and real-time-programs.

with: Audrey Aubert (Paris), Paula Caspão (Paris), Isabelle Martinetti (Paris), Eduard Mont le Palol (Berlin), Mickaël Phelippeau (Paris).

Produktion: Veranda. With kind support of the Association Fran&ccedile;aise d'Action Artistique (AFAA), the Bureau du Théatre et de la Danse and the Choreographic Centre of NRW Pact Zollverein.
To date at PACT