Chrysa Parkinson

Chrysa Parkinson (B) is a performer and teacher living in Brussels. For the past five years she has danced with Zoo/Thomas Hauert. In 2008, she worked in Montpellier on a performance and research project instigated by Xavier Le Roy and Bojana Cvejic (in collaboration with E.x.erce). In the last couple of years she has also performed with Jonathan Burrows, Deborah Hay, John Jasperse, and David Zambrano. In New York she danced with Tere O’Connor for many years, and also worked with, amongst others, Mark Dendy, Lucy Guerin, Irene Hultman, Jennifer Monson and Mia Lawrence,. In 1996, she was awarded a NY Dance and Performance Award (Bessie) for sustained achievement. Chrysa is currently working at P.A.R.T.S. as a consultant for the second cycle students. She teaches classes and workshops internationally, and occasionally publishes essays on dance and performance.
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