Christine De Smedt

Christine De Smedt (B) joined Les Ballets C de la B in 1990 after completing her studies in Criminology. She created her first solo ›La force fait l’union fait la force‹ in 1993 and in 1998 ›Escape Velocity‹, a travel project in the Balkan Region. Between 2000 and 2005, she worked on ›9x9‹, a large scale choreography project that was realised in 15 different cities in Europe and Canada. Christine De Smedt was appointed the co-artistic director of Les Ballets C de la B in 2002, worked for many years with Meg Stuart and her company Damaged Goods and was a co-initiator of the multidisciplinary improvisation project ›Crash Landing‹ (1997-1999). In recent years she has worked with Marten Spangberg, Mette Edvardsen, Christelle Fillod, Milli Bitterli, Eszter Salamon and Susanne Berggren and took part in Xavier Le Roy‘s ›Project‹. She has performed at PACT Zollverein in 2009 with Eszter Salamon in the duet ›Dance#1 Driftworks‹ and in 2011 in the collaborative project "Oedipus, my foot" directed by Jan Ritsema.
To date at PACT
  • Fri 20.04.12 20 h
  • Sat 21.04.12 20 h
Performance Performance

Christine De Smedt
Untitled 4