Sunlit Portion of Domestication
Daria Nazarenko, Kati Menze
In the face of the Corona pandemic, people all over the world suddenly withdrew into their own four walls and division-ridden public life grew silent. Our mobile, digital society was forced back into the home. In ‘Sunlit Portion of Domestication’ we observe two inhabitants of an empty space who occupy it in an installation-style performance. With their movements through this space they reflect on the question of the future approach to corporeality that will emerge from a global process of isolation. In view of the pandemic, questions about the spaces and the venues in which we can move freely and about the routines that shape our everyday lives became essential. As the pandemic shook up individual habits and certainties and global chain reactions caused everyday routines to crumble, the household unconsciously became a magnifying glass for the existence and function of the body in an enclosed (cognitive) space.
Within the context of their collaboration, Daria Nazarenko and Kati Menze reveal the sunny and dark sides of everyday routines – and ask whether they deserve a stage.
The work was available during ATELIER No. 64 from Nov 20 - 22, 2020.
Daria Nazarenko, aufgewachsen in Russland, legt ihr künstlerisches Interesse auf die von Menschenhand konstruierte Umgebung. Während Feldforschungsreisen sucht sie nach geprägten Landschaften und interpretiert diese mit dem Medium Film und Performance. Sie studierte bei Gonzalez-Foerster an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf.
Kati Masami Menze ist Tänzerin und Performerin, aufgewachsen in Japan. Seit ihres Studiums an der Folkwang Universität der Künste setzt sie sich mit „LIMINAL Space“ auseinander. Menze erkundet physische und mentale Übergangszustände, oftmals in der Zusammenarbeit mit Künstler*innen aus anderen Sparten.