Alice Ripoll / Cia REC

Alice Ripoll (*Rio de Janeiro) is a choreographer, performer and movement director. Ripoll graduated from Angel Vianna College – an important centre for dance and motoric rehabilitation – and started to work as a choreographer in 2002. She investigates relationships between contemporary dance, theater, performance and Brazilian urban dances. She has been the director of the dance company cia. REC since 2009 and of SUAVE since 2014. Her shows have been performed at several festivals in Brazil, such as Panorama Festival, Bienal SESC de Dança, Dança Gamboa Fes- tival, Ceará Dance Biennial and Trisca – Arts Festival for Children; and abroad: Kampnagel – Internationales Sommerfestival, Zurich Theater Spektakel, Noorderzon Performing Arts, Rencontres Chorégraphiques of Seine-Saint Denis; Projeto Brazil (in four cities in Germany: HAU in Berlin, Hellerau in Dresden, Tanzhaus in Düsseldorf and Mousonturm in Frankfurt), Centre National de la Danse (Paris), Festival de La Cité Lausanne, Norrlandsoperan (Umeå). 

Cia REC (founded in 2009) is a powerful group of ghetto artists that elaborates and recreates contemporary art. Composed by the director Alice Ripoll and the performers Alan Ferreira, Tony Hewerton, Rômulo Galvão, Hiltinho Fantástico, Katiany Correia, and Tuany Nascimento the group, with intense production, has three contemporary dance shows, a piece aimed at children and a performance. The pieces are being shown at several festivals and theaters in Brazil and abroad, such as Festival Panorama, Casa do Povo, Trisca, FIAC, Bienal SESC de dança, Centre Pompidou, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Festival Dias da Dança, Wiener Festwochen, and others.

To date at PACT
  • Fri 28.04.23 20 h
  • Sat 29.04.23 20 h